Tuesday, February 5, 2008


The sword fighting lessons Sophia and I go to on Tuesdays are held at the Tulsa Library. We went down early today so that I could turn in an application to the library. I'm looking for a part time gig shelving or any thing like that. The pay sucks, but I am seriously considering going back to school to get an MLS (Master of Library Science), and would like some experiencing working in a library before I jump off the deep end, even if it is just scut work. Anyway, the lesson got bumped by a library event, but they forgot to notify us. Oh well, half a day wasted. On the birding front, Sophia pointed out that my lists didn't have House Sparrows on them. Of course we've seen them, and heard them, and cursed them. Make that 28 year birds for the family. I'm too tired to do a manuscript tonight. Maybe two tomorrow.

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