Thursday, June 25, 2009

Farrah Fawcett, R.I.P.

I am going duplicate a thousand of blog posts across the internets today. Farrah Fawcett lost her battle with cancer today. She was 62. Although her one season stint on Charlie's Angels is what made her famous, she, of course, was most famous for the poster. As does every other male of a certain age, I have fond memories of that poster.

An interesting, to me at least, side note when I was at school in Austin, my wife worked at the Umfaulf Sculpture Garden. The Garden showcases the work of Charles Umlauf, who taught sculpture in the art school at UT. In the seventies one of his models was Farrah. He made several busts of her. Here's the most recognizable, it has the hair.

And of course the poster.

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