Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Eagle Has Landed, Tell Your Children

I was six years old when Apollo 11 went to the Moon. That makes me part of the youngest group of people who can remember when the space program was something brave, bold and exciting. Because I was so young, I only got a glimpse of the excitement of the era, and then mostly by reading SF in later years. One can't read Heinlein and not realize what it all meant, even if you can't feel it. In the decades since, the space program has swung from tragedy to tedium, but has never really inspired. Maybe one day it will. There is always a little piece of me that is that little boy, excitedly watching, but not really understanding, or the teen reading alone in my room and dreaming of rockets, that sits and hopes.

All of this is really an excuse to provide a link to a video I found on YouTube that made me tear up. The song is by Leslie Fish, who oddly enough also set the Kipling poem. "The Song of the Picts" to music. This song is probably one of the best loved filks in the SCA. It is strange how worlds interconnect.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you liked Per's video! You can temporarily find a high-quality version (and other videos from the "To Touch the Stars" album, made by a young man in Vietnam) at:
