"Riddles Wisely Expounded" is the first ballad in Francis Child's collection
Like many English songs, this ballad has also been collected in America, where it is usually know as "The Devil's Nine Questions." In it, the wooing aspect is dropped and if the maiden (who has often lost her sisters in these versions) fails to answer the riddles, she will be taken to Hell. What binds the two versions together is the set of riddles and their answers. Although there is some variation in the riddles, all of the versions include many of the same riddles. Some of the typical riddles are:
What is longer than the way? (love)
What is deeper than the sea? (hell)
What is higher that the tree? (heaven)
What is louder than the horn? (thunder)
What is sharper than a thorn? (hunger, or death)
What is whiter than milk? (snow)
What is softer than silk? (down)
What is greener that the grass? (poison)
What is worse than woman? (the devil)
Interestingly enough, the American version may be the older version. A mid-15th century version called "Inter diabolus et virgo" (Between the devil and the virgin), was included by Child in his later editions. It bears more resemblance to the American version, being a straightforward confrontation without the wooing setting.
This ballad was one of those that became part of the mid-cetury folk revival, being recorded by Ewan MacColl, Jean Ritchie and others. As such it has had a fairly wide circulation. The following is a listing of every recorded version I could find. I make no guarantees that I have found them all. I also expect this list to fall quickly out of date as there have been seven recordings released in the last five years alone. I welcome any corrections or information about recordings I may have missed.
"Riddles Wisely Expounded"
Daniel Dutton on Murder of Crows, ?
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger on The Long Harvest
Jacqueline and Bridie on Hold Back the Dawn
Jean Redpath on Lowlands
Lon Loomes on Fearful Symmetry
"A Riddle Wisely Expounded"
Hanita Blair on Minstrel
"A Noble Riddle Wisely Expounded"
Askew Sisters on All In a Garden Green
Demon Barbers on Waxed
"The Devil's Nine Questions"
Atwater-Donnelly on The Weaver's Bonny
Bonnie Kolac on After All This Time, Ovation Records, 1971 (out of print)
Bruce Molsky on Song Links 2, Fellside Recordings, 2005
Elizabeth Laprelle on Rain and Snow
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger on The Long Harvest, Vol. 2
Ewan MacColl and Peggy Seeger on Two Way Trip
Jean Ritchie and Oscar Brand on Shivaree! - A Folk Wedding Party
Jill Trinka on The Little Black Bull, Gia, 2007
Stephen Moore on Sourwood Mountain: American Folk Traditions, Vol 1
Texas Gladden on Ballad Legacy
"The Devil's Ten Questions"
Phil Cooper on Written in Our Eyes
"The Devil's Question"
The Golden Glows on A Folksongbook, Glans and Luister, 2007
Jean Ritchie and Paul Clayton on American Folk Tales and Songs
Here's The Askew Sisters performing "A Noble Riddle Wisely Expounded" live.